Participating Shop
Danryu Japanese Seafood Restaurant
Fantastic menus ($25)
Iburi-Gakko Nigiri Sushi
Rare Sushi and Non-eatable
anywhere else in New Zealand !!
Iburi-gakko is something that can only be made in heavy snow in Akita, a special and rare traditional daikon (radish) pickles. Likewise, the New Zealand salmon has been tenderly raised in pure winter snow.
The two special ingredients coming from the purity of snowing conditions has allowed me to put together a special Japanese dish nigiri sushi.
Combining these exquisite ingredients is rice with seaweed paste specially made for this dish, and shiso on the side will allow you to enjoy all the pure taste. I present you a dish which draws out all the flavours of these delicate flavours.
Best Sake with Iburi-gakko Nigiri Sushi
** Yamamoto Pure Black
** This Sake is exclusive at the price of $25.
Using natural spring water from Shirakami Sanchi in Akita, Japan, a UNESCO World Heritage mountain site Yamamoto's Sake has phenomenal purity, subtle citrus to the nose, a clean refreshing palate and a finish like a Samurai sword. Enjoy the result of the master Yamamoto's passion for Sake!
Yamamoto Pure Black is also famous in Akita prefecture, Japan. This Sake perfectly matches the unique sushi, Iburi-gakko Nigiri Sushi, with Iburi-gakko (radish pickles), known as the local speciality of food in Akita, Japan.
それは同じ秋田が生んだ名酒 山本 純米吟醸です。
Basic Information about Danryu Japanese Seafood Restaurant
Address 10 Victoria Road, Devonport, Auckland 0624, New Zealand
Opening hours 17:00-21:30 (Tue-Sun)
Parking information around the restaurant
No Parking, but you can park your cars in the residential areas around the restaurant.
To receive more information, please scan the QR code below
Get to know more about this restaurant
Chef : Satoru Sawaki
He is one of Auckland's top Japanese chefs, having a great passion for delivering visual feasts and taste sensational Japanese Food. Besides, He thinks of bringing joy to his customers is paramount.
Danryu means ‘warm current’ in Japanese.
As you might know, ocean currents are broadly separated into warm and cold. When these two currents meet, it creates a rich environment for plankton to flourish and invites small fish to enrich themselves on the plant life. In turn, larger fish flourish on the small, and on goes the chain of good eating.
Just as the currents invite gathering in the oceans, we at Danryu wish to invite you to come into our warm walls, gather over the ocean’s bounty, and feast.
We may not offer plankton, but we hope the welcoming smiles and our good food and drink will entice you plenty. We dream that this place becomes a source of joy for you and your loved ones, a place teeming with nourishment for the body and soul.
That is the Danryu we strive for it.
DANRYU 暖流 Seafood Restaurant とは?
暖流とはwarm current です。海には大きく暖流と寒流があります。この2つの海流が交ざり合う潮目には、多種 豊富な様々なプランクトンが発生します。それを捕食しに小魚が集まり。その小魚を捕食しに中型魚が集まり。そして大型魚が現れます。
我々の 暖流DANRYU の意味は、海の源 言わばお客様が集まる事の源と成りたいのです。
暖流がもたらす美味しい食事や美味しいお酒、レストランの雰囲気 そして私たちの笑顔。